"Everybody Welcome, Everybody Responsible"
                                                -- Parris McBride

The BwB as an organization might be different from other fan groups you've encountered, in that we're an inclusive group that does not demand monetary dues to join. If you like GRRM's writing, you're in. That said, we have a defined structure and we have a committee of seasoned con-going fans who help Xray run the BwB and make decisions on behalf of the BwB. We organize official parties at certain conventions, most notably the World Science Fiction convention, and we occasionally have BwB-sponsored charity drives. We are not, however, a general social event coordinator. If you want to have an unofficial BwB meet-up at a bar, that's awesome. But we're not going to organize it for you. Further, BwB events are paid for by donations from the members organizing or attending the event, with occasional supplements from tip jars or raffles. 

This grassroots ethos is at the heart of fandom, and has grown out of the grassroots SF conventions (fan-funded and volunteer-run) like WorldCon. Parris McBride, GRRM's wife and BearMother of the BwB, has instilled us with the values that have guided fandom for many decades, and we follow them proudly. If you want something to happen, you have to put forth some effort to make it happen. If you would like to know more about how the BwB is run, how we organize official events, or would like to volunteer to help us run those events, contact us. Nobody on the BwB steering committee is there because of his or her charm or good looks (OK, except for maybe Stego). We're there because we demonstrated a willingness and aptitude to organize parties, clean up afterwards, make budgets that keep us financially solvent, run security, fetch ice, etc. We welcome anyone who wants to help and to learn from us how to make a con party successful.

Who runs this joint?
Xray the Enforcer

Who helps Xray run this joint?

Mr. X
Mormont, European Steward
Ser Stubby, Australian Castellan and Wrangler of Wombats